Scary Stories

Scary Stories Creepy creatures crunch... slithery slimies squirm... and skeletons streak the sky. In the land of Scary Stories, anything can happen. Your spine will tingle as you hear about: Gold, high peaks, and an Indian ghost in Chebai - An Adirondack Ghost Story, Things that go crunch in the night in A Light at Night, A creature who haunts the man who ate its tail in Taily Po, and What three boys do when they find out their uncle can turn into a Flying Skeleton.

Average Score : 0

Terrifying Tales Traditionally Told

Status: Released

Release Date: 1991-06-11

Geners Horror Family

Production Companies Image Entertainment National Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling Atlas Video Inc. Acorn Media Publishing, Inc.

Production Countries

Run time: 35 minutes

Budget: --

Revenue: --


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