Две женщины

Две женщины The peculiarity of the performance "Two Women" by Vladimir Mirzoev on the Lenkom stage is in the specially developed plasticity of the characters. They seem to be in a somnambulistic state, either awake, asleep, existing, or not. In parallel with Turgenev's text, on counterpoint, the director unfolds his visual range, which enters into an obvious contradictory relationship with the words of the classic. The interaction of the characters on stage is absolutely independent of the author's remarks. Thus, Mirzoev visibly shades the intimate, to some extent Freudian motifs he saw in the play. However, Turgenev's text and Mirzoev's plastic searches turn "Two Women" into a curious stage experiment, rather unexpected for the aesthetics of Lenkom.

Average Score : 0

Status: Released

Release Date: 2004-12-01

Geners TV Movie

Production Companies

Production Countries Russia,

Run time: 142 minutes

Budget: --

Revenue: --

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