Shoot, a sharp-tongued young man who despises overly optimistic storylines in TV dramas, finds himself in an ironic twist of fate when he is forced to become a director for “Uncle Vitid,” the owner of a production company specializing in the kind of shows Shoot loathes. Shoot receives help from “Nam,” his girlfriend who owns a hair salon and is a die-hard TV drama enthusiast. Nam steps in to help Shoot create a TV drama that will win Uncle Vitid’s approval. Meanwhile, “Joke,” an older, respected friend, complicates Shoot’s determination, shaking his resolve.
Average Score : 0
A tragic real life and a hilarious drama world.
Status: Released
Release Date: 2024-12-26
Production Companies Karman Line Jungka Bangkok
Production Countries
Run time: 120 minutes
Budget: --
Revenue: --