A 14-year-old orphan named Krabat flees the horrors of the 30 Years War by becoming an apprentice to an ominous master of a mysterious mill. Krabat is not only taught the craft of milling, but is also instructed in the sinister world of the darker arts. When the life of his friend and protector is threatened, Krabat must struggle to free himself from an evil sorcerer's control in a gripping fight for freedom, friendship and love.
Average Score : 60
Everything in this world has its price.
Status: Released
Release Date: 2008-09-07
Production Companies Krabat Filmproduktion Claussen+Wöbke Filmproduktion B.A. Filmproduktion SevenPictures Film
Production Countries Germany,
Run time: 120 minutes
Budget: $8,000,000
Revenue: --