
Chaos In Seattle, detective Quentin Conners is unfairly suspended and his partner Jason York leaves the police force after a tragic shooting on Pearl Street Bridge, when the hostage and the criminal die. During a bank heist with a hostage situation, Conners is assigned in charge of the operation with the rookie Shane Dekker as his partner. The thieves, lead by Lorenz, apparently do not steal a penny from the bank. While chasing the gangsters, the police team disclose that they planted a virus in the system, stealing one billion dollars from the different accounts, using the principle of the Chaos Theory. Further, they find that Lorenz is killing his accomplices.

Average Score : 63.08

When the system breaks down... someone is about to get rich.

Status: Released

Release Date: 2005-01-17

Geners Drama Action Crime

Production Companies Mobius International Chaotic Productions Current Entertainment Rampage Entertainment Pierce-Williams Zero Gravity Management Epsilon Motion Pictures Möbius Entertainment

Production Countries Canada,United Kingdom,United States of America,

Run time: 106 minutes

Budget: $30,000,000

Revenue: $7,000,000