George, a charismatic and adventurous young woman, born from an old, catholic family, falls in love, in her teens, with a female teacher named Sybil. Devastated by her lover's eventual suicide, some years later, George embarks on an exciting and reckless journey to the depths of Pigalle's nightlife, circa 1960. After an encounter with a very wealthy, still attractive, but older woman, Odete, who offers her money and gifts in return for sexual favours, George becomes Gigola, a kind of gigolo for women only.
Average Score : 37
Player of men. Seducer of women.
Status: Released
Release Date: 2010-06-06
Geners Drama
Production Companies Marie-Amélie Productions
Production Countries France,
Run time: 102 minutes
Budget: $14,000,000
Revenue: --