Food Sex

Food Sex A Bijou Video original compilation of classic gay porn scenes focusing on sex, masturbation, foreplay, and fantasy involving food. Zucchinis, ears of corn, sausages, whipped cream, frosting, tomatoes, grapes, cucumbers, carrots, hot dogs, cantaloupes, bananas, and more! Featuring nearly two hours' worth of selections from many films, including Twelve at Noon, Big Bear Men, Home Movies, Hard Disk Drive, Rough Trades, Butt of Course, Butthole Banquet 2, California Blue, The Night Before, Lovers and Friends, Hooked on Hispanics 2: Bronx Crew, Butthole Banquet 3, and Morning Noon and Night, plus some brief interludes from other gay porn classics!

Average Score : 0

Status: Released

Release Date: 2017-10-31


Production Companies Bijou Video

Production Countries

Run time: 115 minutes

Budget: --

Revenue: --

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