
Tsotsi The South African multi-award winning film about a young South African boy from the ghetto named Tsotsi, meaning Gangster. Tsotsi, who left home as a child to get away from helpless parents, finds a baby in the back seat of a car that he has just stolen. He decides that it his responsibility to take care of the baby and in the process learns that maybe the gangster life isn’t the best way.

Average Score : 69.29

In this world... Redemption comes just once.

Status: Released

Release Date: 2005-12-23

Geners Crime Drama

Production Companies Movieworld Productions UK Film & TV Production Company National Film & Video Foundation of South Africa Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa

Production Countries South Africa,United Kingdom,

Run time: 94 minutes

Budget: $3,000,000

Revenue: $9,879,971