Ass Wreckers

Ass Wreckers Leave it to Dick Wadd to find one of the biggest cocks you have ever seen! O.M.F.G. (Oh My Fucking God!) has a HUGE 13" by 7" Piece of Ass Wrecking Meat and he knows how to use it! First, he takes control of Jayson Park, hosing Jayson down with hot, steaming piss before S T R E T C H I N G Jayson's hole to its limit with that Massive Schlong. In scene 2, O.M.F.G. joins Matthew Singer, a big dicked newcomer. They take turns destroying Chris Kohl's muscle butt. Ass Wreckers is Definitely true to its title!

Average Score : 0

Status: Released

Release Date: 2010-03-26


Production Companies Dick Wadd Productions

Production Countries United States of America,

Run time: 97 minutes

Budget: --

Revenue: --

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